what you'll learn

We believe in peoples' inherent ability to create. Some act on that with little effort, others grow up believing that the roles of artist or designer are reserved only to those to whom it comes naturally. Fire brings light to new places. It sparks imagination and releases hidden abilities from the shadows. Step into that light and see what you find. We think you'll like what you discover...
What You'll Make - The Artifact Sculpture Core
You will each create the same core design, but it becomes uniquely yours as we integrate an object of personal significance THAT YOU BRING on Day 1. The finished sculpture will be a lifelong reminder of the investment you made in your inner artist and a reflection of a weekend of hard work and fun!
No prior shop experience is necessary, but attention and patience are required to complete your sculpture in our time together.
Roll up your sleeves!
Never used industrial power tools? No problem. We got you. You'll even be welding on the morning of Day One!
A long-time power tool head? Put that experience to work testing your creative spirit.
Drillpress: Early presses appeared in metal shops over 200 years ago. Today's models are core to the work of metal sculptors and fabricators.
Bandsaw: Smoothly cutting through solid steel, these beautiful machines are a joy to watch in action.
Oxyacetylene Torch: You've seen it seen it on tv and in the movies - that cool flame sparked by flint that starts glowing yellow then hisses to a cool blue.
MIG Welder: Technology has come a long way. With a little practice in a cool welding helmet, you'll be "running beads" with molten steel, and joining metal with ease.
Metal Grinder: The loudest tool of the day, this handheld workhorse will smooth out welds and get you closer to a finished piece of art.
Belt Sander: Soften those rough edges and get your design work ready to show off back home!